
From a Latin word which roughly means "mother"more literally, the feminine form of generator—the Genetrix series explores the transcendent beauty of womanhood, motherhood, and human sexuality in a non-pornographic way from the perspective of someone who is voluntarily celibate.

Genetrix is an unapologetic apologetic for embracing femininity and for recognizing the eminent role of women, especially mothers, in the cosmic drama of creation. The yellow rose represents the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sancta Dei Genetrix (the Holy Mother of God), the consummate archetype of powerful womanhood, the ultimate Gĕvîrâ of Israel, the icon of the People of God, and the standard-bearer of the entire human race; the red rose represents Jesus Christ, who, though God, took on human flesh, being born of a woman without the need for sexual reproduction, perhaps the most revolutionary creed in human history. It is through a woman that all of creationthe entire cosmosis renewed. This woman is not only a "helper" (Gn. 2:18) as the first woman was; this new woman is now "our life, our sweetness, and our hope" (Salve Regina). In some sense, Genetrix is a celebration of celibacy and the choice to renounce sex in order to paradoxically gain a broader and more fully-integrated view of sexuality in the life of the human person.

Genetrix II and III explore femininity from a different, more overtly-sexual perspective in a way that Genetrix does not aim to do. The rosebuds cradled in rose petals represent feminine beauty, while the dried super glue dripping from the roses represents masculine beauty. Genetrix II and III celebrate the conjugal beauty of the two sexes coming together to create new life. The two become one, and the seed of life is sown and brought to a bountiful and vibrant fruition of color.

On an even deeper level, the Genetrix series explores the relation of the soul to its divine creator, the soul being imagined as the feminine participant in the drama of cosmic love, as portrayed in the Song of Songs and other great texts in the Christian mystical tradition.

Genetrix, 2021


Acrylic and rose on cardboard

16" x 20"

Genetrix II and Genetrix III, 2021


Only sold as a set of two.

Acrylic and rose on cardboard

[Dimensions here]