clement of columbus 

 Fine Art 

 Welcome to my   garden !

Hi, brothers and sisters! I'm Clement, and it's a pleasure to welcome you to my digital art gallery. I am a twenty-six year-old Trappist monk, an historian of the Ancient Near East, a blossoming gardener, a life-long student in the school of love, and an outsider artist from Columbus, Georgia, a vibrant city with a soul for the arts.

I've loved making art since I was four years-old—and probably since before then, though I can't say I remember those years too well! But what I do remember is the love of art instilled in me by my family and their constant encouragement for me to live a life deeply rooted in creativity. Consequently, my art is often a reflection of interior spiritual themes, and I tend to incorporate plants and other objects found in nature into my work to express the importance of an integral ecology in which human beings canand mustcoexist in harmony with one another and with the natural world. My art is not a passive observation of nature; I am an active collaborator with nature, entwined in a synergistic slow dance with the spirit of life. 

In some small way, I want to capture the soul of things.

I like to think that my art is a vehicle for contemplation, a movement of the heart beyond perceptible things and a radiant blossoming of the soul in living color. I humbly encourage you to take a stroll through my artistic garden as a pilgrim along the via pulchritudinis, the way of beauty. Our ultimate destination is love.

"In some small way, I want to capture the soul of things."

Clement of Columbus

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